Thursday, March 14, 2024

SOAP API to Create Receipt Reversal Transaction (Oracle Fusion Receivables Cloud)


Service Name


Sample Payload

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:com="">
            <com:BusinessUnit>Business Unit</com:BusinessUnit>

Sample Response

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:wsa="">
      <ns0:createReverseReceiptResponse xmlns:ns0="">
         <ns1:result xsi:type="ns3:ReverseReceiptResult" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">
               <ns3:ReceiptNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns3:BusinessUnit>Business Unit</ns3:BusinessUnit>
               <ns3:ReversalCategoryName xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns3:ReversalReasonName xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns3:InterfaceToBudgeting>Not Enabled</ns3:InterfaceToBudgeting>
               <ns3:InterfaceFailureReason xsi:nil="true"/>

SOAP to Create Debit memo (Oracle Fusion Receivables Cloud Service)


Service Name

Sample Payload
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:deb="">
            <!--BATCH_SOURCE_SEQ_ID :-->
            <!--CUST_TRX_TYPE_SEQ_ID put Debit memo here :-->
            <deb:Comments>test debit memo service</deb:Comments>
               <deb:Description>test1 debit memo service</deb:Description>
               <deb:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="">1</deb:InvoicedQuantity>
               <deb:UnitSellingPrice currencyCode="USD">100</deb:UnitSellingPrice>
               <deb:ExtendedAmount currencyCode="USD">100</deb:ExtendedAmount>
               <deb:RevenueAmount currencyCode="USD">100</deb:RevenueAmount>
               <deb:Description>test2 debit memo service</deb:Description>
               <deb:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="">1</deb:InvoicedQuantity>
               <deb:UnitSellingPrice currencyCode="USD">100</deb:UnitSellingPrice>
               <deb:ExtendedAmount currencyCode="USD">500</deb:ExtendedAmount>
               <deb:RevenueAmount currencyCode="USD">500</deb:RevenueAmount>

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Update Credit Card "Assignment Inactive On" for a Customer in Oracle Fusion (Using SOAP/REST API)

 Use the below WSDL to get the Instrument assignment id for all available Credit Cards on a Customer

WSDL: https://serverName/fscmService/PayerDetailServiceV2?WSDL
Service Name: findAssignedInstrumentsByPayer

PartyID : PARTY_ID of HZ_PARTIES of a Customer 

Sample Payload

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">

Sample Response  

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:wsa="">
      <ns0:findAssignedInstrumentsByPayerResponse xmlns:ns0="">
         <ns2:result xsi:type="ns1:AssignedPmtInstrument" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns2="">
            <ns1:AccountSiteUseId xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:CurrencyCode xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:PurchasecardSubtype xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:CardHolderName>ABC Corp</ns1:CardHolderName>
            <ns1:AccountNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BankName xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BankNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BranchName xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BranchNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BICNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:Description xsi:nil="true"/>
         <ns2:result xsi:type="ns1:AssignedPmtInstrument" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns2="">
            <ns1:AccountSiteUseId xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:CurrencyCode xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:PurchasecardSubtype xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:CardHolderName>ABC Corp</ns1:CardHolderName>
            <ns1:AccountNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BankName xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BankNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BranchName xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BranchNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:BICNumber xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:Description xsi:nil="true"/>

Use the Instrument assignment ID from above Payload in below Mentioned REST API


Operation: PATCH

Sample Payload

      "EndDate": "2024-03-12", 
      "Intent": null 

User below SQL to get the Instrument assignment id for a Customer

SELECT p.party_name
       , ca.cust_account_id
       , ca.account_number
       , iepa.ext_payer_id
       , ipiu.instrument_payment_use_id instr_assignment_id
       , ifte.*
  FROM iby_creditcard icc
       , iby_external_payers_all iepa
       , iby_pmt_instr_uses_all ipiu
       , iby_fndcpt_tx_extensions ifte
       , hz_parties p
       , hz_cust_accounts ca
 WHERE p.party_id = icc.card_owner_id
   AND p.party_id = ca.party_id
   AND icc.card_owner_id = iepa.party_id
   AND ca.cust_account_id = iepa.cust_account_id
   AND iepa.acct_site_use_id IS NULL
   AND icc.instrument_type = ipiu.instrument_type
   AND icc.instrid = ipiu.instrument_id
   AND iepa.ext_payer_id = ipiu.ext_pmt_party_id
   AND ipiu.instrument_payment_use_id = ifte.instr_assignment_id
   AND iepa.ext_payer_id = ifte.ext_payer_id
   AND ca.account_number = :p_account_number; 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

FA:OM:SQL: To get the RMA Order receipt details along with the Serial numbers

 WITH sn_tbl as (  SELECT dha.header_id
                            , dla.line_id
                            , dfla.fulfill_line_id
                            , dla.display_line_number | | '.' | | dfla.fulfill_line_number line_num
                            , LISTAGG(iut.serial_number, ',' on overflow truncate) WITHIN GROUP (
                                         ORDER BY iut.serial_number
                                        ) Serial_numbers
                         FROM fusion.inv_material_txns imt
                            , fusion.inv_org_parameters iop
                            , fusion.egp_system_items_b esi
                            , fusion.inv_transaction_types_vl ittv
                            , fusion.fnd_lookup_values_vl flva
                            , fusion.inv_txn_source_types_vl itst
                            , fusion.inv_unit_transactions iut
                            , fusion.rcv_shipment_headers rsh
                            , fusion.rcv_shipment_lines rsl
                            , fusion.rcv_transactions rt
                            , fusion.doo_fulfill_line_details dfld
                            , fusion.doo_fulfill_lines_all dfla
                            , fusion.doo_lines_all dla
                            , fusion.doo_headers_all dha
                        WHERE imt.organization_id = iop.organization_id
                          AND imt.organization_id = esi.organization_id
                          AND imt.inventory_item_id = esi.inventory_item_id
                          AND imt.transaction_type_id = ittv.transaction_type_id
                          AND ittv.transaction_action_id = flva.lookup_code
                          AND flva.lookup_type = 'INV_TRANSACTION_ACTION'
                          AND flva.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                          AND ittv.transaction_source_type_id = itst.transaction_source_type_id
                          AND imt.transaction_id = iut.transaction_id(+)
                          AND ittv.transaction_type_name = 'RMA Receipt'
                          AND itst.transaction_source_type_name = 'RMA'
                          AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
                          AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id
                          AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rt.shipment_header_id
                          AND rsl.shipment_line_id = rt.shipment_line_id
                          AND rt.transaction_id = imt.rcv_transaction_id
                          AND imt.rcv_transaction_id = dfld.rma_receipt_transaction_id
                          AND dfld.fulfill_line_id = dfla.fulfill_line_id
                          AND dfla.line_id = dla.line_id
                          AND dla.header_id = dha.header_id
                          AND dfla.header_id = dha.header_id
                          AND dha.submitted_flag = 'Y'
                     GROUP BY dla.display_line_number | | '.' | | dfla.fulfill_line_number
                            , dha.header_id
                            , dla.line_id
                            , dfla.fulfill_line_id)
   SELECT hauft.NAME BusinessUnit
        , a.order_type_code
        , o.organization_code | | '  ' | | flv.meaning warehouse
        , a.order_number
        , f.source_line_number
        , i.item_number
        , b.ordered_qty l_qty
        , f.rma_delivered_qty f_del_qty
        , f.shipped_qty s_qty
        , f.CANCELED_QTY
        , initcap(f.status_code) f_status_code
        , decode(f.canceled_flag, 'Y', 'Line Canceled', 'Not Canceled') Line_cancel_status
        , a.creation_date
        , i.description
        , a.ordered_date
        , DECODE(i.serial_number_control_code, 1, 'No', 'Yes') serial_number_control_code
        , sn_tbl.Serial_numbers
     FROM fusion.doo_headers_all a
        , fusion.doo_lines_All b
        , fusion.doo_fulfill_lines_all f
        , fusion.egp_system_items_v i
        , fusion.inv_org_parameters o
        , fusion.fnd_lookup_values_vl flv
        , fusion.hr_org_unit_classifications_f houcf
        , fusion.hr_all_organization_units_f haouf
        , fusion.hr_organization_units_f_tl hauft
        , sn_tbl
    WHERE 1 = 1
      AND a.submitted_flag = 'Y'
      AND a.header_id = b.header_id
      AND b.header_id = f.header_id
      AND b.line_id = f.line_id
      AND a.order_type_code = flv.lookup_code
      AND flv.lookup_type = 'ORA_DOO_ORDER_TYPES'
      AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND f.fulfill_org_id = i.organization_id
      AND f.fulfill_org_id = o.organization_id
      AND f.inventory_item_id = i.inventory_item_id
      AND haouf.organization_id = houcf.organization_id
      AND haouf.organization_id = hauft.organization_id
      AND hauft.organization_id = a.org_id
      AND hauft.language = 'US'
      AND sysdate BETWEEN houcf.effective_start_date AND NVL(houcf.effective_end_date, SYSDATE + 1)
      AND sysdate BETWEEN haouf.effective_start_date AND NVL(haouf.effective_end_date, SYSDATE + 1)
      AND sysdate BETWEEN hauft.effective_start_date AND NVL(hauft.effective_end_date, SYSDATE + 1)  
      AND hauft.effective_start_date = haouf.effective_start_date
      AND hauft.effective_end_date = haouf.effective_end_date
      AND houcf.classification_code = 'FUN_BUSINESS_UNIT'
      AND f.header_id = sn_tbl.header_id
      AND f.line_id = sn_tbl.line_id
      and f.fulfill_line_id = sn_tbl.fulfill_line_id
      AND a.order_number = :p_order_number
 ORDER BY a.creation_date
        , LPAD(f.source_line_number, 2)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

FA:SQL: Query to get inventory organization/inventory organization location and business unit and Legal entity

SELECT iod.organization_code,
       xep.NAME legal_entity_name,
       hla.internal_location_code ,
              Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat( Concat(Concat(hla.address_line_1
              || ', ', Nvl2(hla.address_line_2, hla.address_line_2
              || ', ', hla.address_line_2)), Nvl2(hla.address_line_3, hla.address_line_3
              || ', ', hla.address_line_3)), Nvl2(hla.address_line_4, hla.address_line_4
              || ', ', hla.address_line_4)), Nvl2(hla.town_or_city, hla.town_or_city
              || ', ', hla.town_or_city)), Nvl2(hla.region_1, hla.region_1
              || ', ', hla.region_1)), Nvl2(hla.region_2, hla.region_2
              || ', ', hla.region_2)), Nvl2(, country
              || ', ',, hla.postal_code) concatenated_address,
 FROM inv_organization_definitions_v iod,
      hr_locations_all hla,
      xle_entity_profiles xep
WHERE iod.location_id = hla.location_id
  AND iod.legal_entity = xep.legal_entity_id
  AND NVL(iod.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate;

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Fusion: SQL: Query to Extract the Business Units and its related Inventory Organizations, Business Units and Costing Organizations



SELECT hou.organization_id
       , organization_name
       , iop.organization_code organization_code
       , lgr.ledger_id set_of_book_id
       , lgr.chart_of_accounts_id chart_of_account_id
       , lgr.currency_code
       , lgr.period_set_name
       , Decode(hoi.status, 'A', 'Y', 'N') inv_enabled_flag
       , bu.bu_name business_unit_name
       , iop.business_unit_id business_unit_id
       , iop.legal_entity_id legal_entity
       , hou.type organization_type
  FROM hr_all_organization_units_x hou
       , hr_org_unit_classifications_x hoi
       , inv_org_parameters iop
       , gl_ledgers lgr
       , fun_all_business_units_v bu
 WHERE hou.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
   AND hou.organization_id = iop.organization_id
   AND hoi.classification_code = 'INV'
   AND bu.primary_ledger_id = lgr.ledger_id(+)
   AND lgr.object_type_code(+) = 'L'
   AND NVL(lgr.complete_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'
   AND bu.bu_id(+) = iop.business_unit_id;  

SQL : Get Business Unit Details


 SELECT hauft.NAME BusinessUnit, hauft.organization_id
  FROM hr_org_unit_classifications_f houcf,
       hr_all_organization_units_f haouf,
       hr_organization_units_f_tl hauft
 WHERE haouf.organization_id = houcf.organization_id
   AND haouf.organization_id = hauft.organization_id
   AND haouf.effective_start_date BETWEEN houcf.effective_start_date    AND houcf.effective_end_date
   AND hauft.language = 'US'
   AND hauft.effective_start_date = haouf.effective_start_date
   AND hauft.effective_end_date = haouf.effective_end_date
   AND houcf.classification_code = 'FUN_BUSINESS_UNIT'
   AND sysdate BETWEEN hauft.effective_start_date AND hauft.effective_end_date
 ORDER BY hauft.NAME ASC nulls first ; 

SQL : Get Costing Organization Details


 SELECT hauft.NAME BusinessUnit
  FROM hr_org_unit_classifications_f houcf,
       hr_all_organization_units_f haouf,
       hr_organization_units_f_tl hauft
 WHERE haouf.organization_id = houcf.organization_id
   AND haouf.organization_id = hauft.organization_id
   AND haouf.effective_start_date BETWEEN houcf.effective_start_date AND houcf.effective_end_date
   AND hauft.language = 'US'
   AND hauft.effective_start_date = haouf.effective_start_date
   AND hauft.effective_end_date = haouf.effective_end_date
   AND houcf.classification_code = 'CST'
   AND sysdate BETWEEN hauft.effective_start_date AND hauft.effective_end_date
 ORDER BY hauft.NAME ASC nulls first; 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

FA:SCM:CST: SQL to Get Item Standard Cost

 SELECT cost_organization_name
       , esi.item_number
       , csc.total_cost
       , uom.uom_code
       , cvu.val_unit_code
       , cvs.val_structure_code
       , cvs.val_structure_type_code
       , ccb.cost_book_code
  FROM cst_std_costs csc
       , cst_val_units_b cvu
       , cst_val_structures_b cvs
       , egp_system_items_vl esi
       , cst_cost_org_parameters ccop
       , hr_organization_units_f_tl houft
       , cst_cost_books_b ccb
       , inv_units_of_measure_vl uom
 WHERE csc.cost_book_id = ccb.cost_book_id
   AND csc.cost_org_id = houft.organization_id
   AND ccop.cost_org_id = houft.organization_id
   AND cvu.val_structure_id = cvs.val_structure_id
   AND csc.val_unit_id = cvu.val_unit_id
   AND esi.inventory_item_id = csc.inventory_item_id
   AND esi.organization_id = ccop.master_organization_id
   AND houft.LANGUAGE = Userenv('LANG')
   AND csc.uom_code = uom.uom_code
   AND csc.status_code = 'PUBLISHED'
   AND esi.item_number = :p_item_number
   AND = :p_cost_org_name
   AND trunc(nvl(csc.effective_end_date,sysdate+1)) > trunc(sysdate);