SELECT iod.organization_code,
xep.NAME legal_entity_name,
hla.internal_location_code ,
Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat(Concat( Concat(Concat(hla.address_line_1
|| ', ', Nvl2(hla.address_line_2, hla.address_line_2
|| ', ', hla.address_line_2)), Nvl2(hla.address_line_3, hla.address_line_3
|| ', ', hla.address_line_3)), Nvl2(hla.address_line_4, hla.address_line_4
|| ', ', hla.address_line_4)), Nvl2(hla.town_or_city, hla.town_or_city
|| ', ', hla.town_or_city)), Nvl2(hla.region_1, hla.region_1
|| ', ', hla.region_1)), Nvl2(hla.region_2, hla.region_2
|| ', ', hla.region_2)), Nvl2(, country
|| ', ',, hla.postal_code) concatenated_address,
FROM inv_organization_definitions_v iod,
hr_locations_all hla,
xle_entity_profiles xep
WHERE iod.location_id = hla.location_id
AND iod.legal_entity = xep.legal_entity_id
AND NVL(iod.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate;
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
FA:SQL: Query to get inventory organization/inventory organization location and business unit and Legal entity
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Fusion: SQL: Query to Extract the Business Units and its related Inventory Organizations, Business Units and Costing Organizations
SELECT hou.organization_id
, organization_name
, iop.organization_code organization_code
, lgr.ledger_id set_of_book_id
, lgr.chart_of_accounts_id chart_of_account_id
, lgr.currency_code
, lgr.period_set_name
, Decode(hoi.status, 'A', 'Y', 'N') inv_enabled_flag
, bu.bu_name business_unit_name
, iop.business_unit_id business_unit_id
, iop.legal_entity_id legal_entity
, hou.type organization_type
FROM hr_all_organization_units_x hou
, hr_org_unit_classifications_x hoi
, inv_org_parameters iop
, gl_ledgers lgr
, fun_all_business_units_v bu
WHERE hou.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
AND hou.organization_id = iop.organization_id
AND hoi.classification_code = 'INV'
AND bu.primary_ledger_id = lgr.ledger_id(+)
AND lgr.object_type_code(+) = 'L'
AND NVL(lgr.complete_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'
AND bu.bu_id(+) = iop.business_unit_id;
SQL : Get Business Unit Details
SELECT hauft.NAME BusinessUnit, hauft.organization_id
FROM hr_org_unit_classifications_f houcf,
hr_all_organization_units_f haouf,
hr_organization_units_f_tl hauft
WHERE haouf.organization_id = houcf.organization_id
AND haouf.organization_id = hauft.organization_id
AND haouf.effective_start_date BETWEEN houcf.effective_start_date AND houcf.effective_end_date
AND hauft.language = 'US'
AND hauft.effective_start_date = haouf.effective_start_date
AND hauft.effective_end_date = haouf.effective_end_date
AND houcf.classification_code = 'FUN_BUSINESS_UNIT'
AND sysdate BETWEEN hauft.effective_start_date AND hauft.effective_end_date
ORDER BY hauft.NAME ASC nulls first ;
SQL : Get Costing Organization Details
SELECT hauft.NAME BusinessUnit
FROM hr_org_unit_classifications_f houcf,
hr_all_organization_units_f haouf,
hr_organization_units_f_tl hauft
WHERE haouf.organization_id = houcf.organization_id
AND haouf.organization_id = hauft.organization_id
AND haouf.effective_start_date BETWEEN houcf.effective_start_date AND houcf.effective_end_date
AND hauft.language = 'US'
AND hauft.effective_start_date = haouf.effective_start_date
AND hauft.effective_end_date = haouf.effective_end_date
AND houcf.classification_code = 'CST'
AND sysdate BETWEEN hauft.effective_start_date AND hauft.effective_end_date
ORDER BY hauft.NAME ASC nulls first;
Monday, December 14, 2020
Oracle Fusion: Anonymous blocks (Procedural Call) data model in Oracle BI Publisher (Oracle Fusion)
BI Publisher supports executing PL/SQL anonymous blocks. You can perform calculations in the PL/SQL block and return the result set. BI Publisher uses callable statements to execute anonymous blocks.
The requirements are:
- The PL/SQL block must return a result set of type REF cursor
- You must declare the out variable with the name, xdo_cursor;. This needs to be the first parameter in position in Data model.
- If you do not declare the name properly, the first bind variable is treated as an out variable type and binds with REF cursor.
- Declare the data model parameter with name xdo_cursor. This name is reserved for out variable type for procedure/anonymous blocks.
Sample Script: